The True Existential Threat

I assume most of my readers care about the wellness of our planet and are committed to leaving it in better shape for our children and grandchildren. Some believe the emphasis on carbon dioxide and methane in our atmosphere is the key to that. My premise is that a focus on fossil fuels themselves misses the key point: we must reduce the need for fossil fuels – in part by appropriate development of renewables, but more importantly by changing our demand for energy itself.

Several of my blogs have disclosed what drives that demand, which of course depends upon the things the planet produces and consumes under the seemingly inarguable banner of what people need to be comfortable, safe, and healthy. These are not givens for much of the world beyond the wealthy nations, and most of us know that we routinely export our sins to these god forsaken areas, often in the name of noble ideas like EVs and PVs sickening and killing people in our insatiable desire for rare earth elements.

So, you would expect that our largest corporations would be responding to this in ways we can all support. Perhaps not. Susan and I watched the Netflix documentary, Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy, that pulls back the curtain on the world’s top brands, exposing the hidden tactics and covert strategies used to keep all of us locked in an endless cycle of buying – no matter the cost. The recent articles about the health challenges in our food chain point out UPFs … ultra processed foods, that are enhanced with unhealthy ingredients to drive up consumption.

Here is an excellent article on this from the New York Times: The Healthier Eating Challenge: The Healthier Eating Challenge: Why You Crave Ultraprocessed Foods – The New York Times  You will learn that you are being deliberately deceived into thinking you are still hungry … so you eat more! Do you remember the ad for Lay’s potato chips: “Betcha you can’t eat just one!” You guessed it … food processors are deliberately and intentionally designing foods this way. And it’s no surprise to most that bars intentionally provide free salty snacks to drive patron’s thirst for their profitable beverages.

We are in a vicious cycle of deception and greed that deliberately deceives us into believing that corporations are doing the right things for all citizens and are responsible for their products from production through ultimate disposition. I was suspicious of course, but little did I know just how devious this all was, and that it had even penetrated almost all the food we eat. This is certainly why, in part, we are seeing the rise in cancers, obesity, etc.

Yes, we are more sedentary for sure, but more importantly, we have been drugged into a coma of indifference about so many things. The cumulative effect is going to be much worse for our children and grandchildren if it is not acknowledged and addressed.

Please do take some time to watch Buy Now! on Netflix. You will be outraged. That’s a nice beginning to engagement. Then, consider processed foods in your life … read the labels … if there are more than three or four ingredients in them, your health is probably being compromised. Check the ones you eat most online. Do your part. Eat healthily!