
How many things do we do each day vs. how many things are we being forced to do because others aren’t doing what they should? Are our lives being run or are we running our lives?

I have always found it a bit funny when some of my retired male friends talk about their “honey do lists,” which by the name need no explanation. Most of the time, I sense these were truly important family priorities … often needed repairs.

One can always put off things like this, claiming we don’t have the time or the resources, and that may be true. However, I am increasingly feeling that the clutter in our lives is largely a distraction from things that really matter.  I call this the tyranny of the urgent.  Let me poke at your conscience by asking how many times you fail to return a phone call or answer an email because you think you are too busy?

Really? … it is one thing to respond by alerting the calling party that you have something that is getting in the way, but that you will get back to them by this or that time or date. No, you are being rude and frankly damaging the trust formula in a relationship when you simply fail to respond. Let’s face it … once you simply ignore the message, your day will fill to the brim with other things, and in most likelihood, you will completely forget the call within a day.

Take stock of how your day is consumed and evaluate what it says about your priorities. Are you mindlessly watching the unending political nonsense as a result of the last election? Are you obsessed with video games? What about Facebook or Instagram?

I am not trying to ruin your fun … just asking whether the time is being managed or you are being managed by others or distractions. Be aware, the biggest influence on your life today is social media and that is being driven by Artificial Intelligence, aka, AI.

Devious people are at work trying to distract you, minutes at a time, from what you are trying to do, and every time you click that link to check out some audacious idea, you are giving these agents the specific insights they want and need to continue distracting you.

I covered the term “click bait” in a prior blog, and that is probably the most obvious. But every time you try to buy something you need, you are also giving these agents just what they want so they can blast you with the media trying to get your attention.

One of the most insidious temptations today are the false social media posts who claim to be interested in your ideas. As a male, these are often seemingly beautiful, lonely young ladies who seem to be wanting to start a conversation by just asking to have you friend them. Women are being targeted as well. The scammers will make you feel you have found a soulmate and gobble up your time. Plus, as you do waste away your time, they will set their hooks and drain your bank account.

Warning to any scammers reading this post: I report you immediately.

So, given that most of my readers have more sand in the bottom of their life’s hourglass than the top, please consider every hour you have left. Enjoy the time with recreational ideas and do stay on top of issues that matter to you. But, most of all, pay closer attention to the people in your life … all of them.

A recent event with one adult male in my life struck straight to the heart when he said that I was the only adult male role model for him. Scary thought you might rightfully say. But, no, his life was being consumed by the endless chatter and distractions, and he needed someone to show him they cared and would offer him a safe place to share his frustrations and challenges.

Be that special person by showing people in your life you truly care.

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