I am not a football follower, but with nothing else to do or watch, I turned on the game between the Eagles and the Chiefs. I had read this was going to be a nailbiter, so I was prepared for the game to go right to the end. But I must admit that by the end of the second quarter I was ready to watch a movie or go to bed.
As a result, I saw what is always billed as a signature moment: the halftime show. There were repeated advertisements for it all during the first two quarters, but I had no idea who the artist was. Given Taylor Swift was there, I wondered whether she would make an appearance.
So, the half-time show started, and I thought the trick of having all the other performers coming out of the car was clever, but why out of a car? And I could not understand what the performer was saying. It was obvious he was angry, but I was not sure what he was angry about. By the end of the show, I was puzzled … what was the point? What am I missing? I called my daughter, and she was puzzled as well.
When I got up this morning, I checked online to see what the media was saying, and I was further shocked at all their gushing over the show. Nowhere could I find others commenting that the tone and content seemed inconsistent with the event and the spirit of good competition and excellence. The Superbowl is supposedly a good will event.
Then, as I read more and more, I could see what this was all about. While some in the media defend the show as a statement in the ongoing battle between hip-hop artists, I fail to see why an artist would use a venue like this to continue that argument. Other news commentators thought the halftime show was a protest about the country’s decision to back away from DEI. Still others thought it was also a response to Trump’s comments about Philadelphia during his run for the presidency and a public display of opposition to Trump’s actions.
I do understand, respect, and encourage people to express their opinions, but let me say to anyone who thinks this halftime show helped these agendas: get a grip … you just demonstrated why this focus on one perspective is so egregious by making all of us even more aware of the low brow, angry, and frankly interpersonally dangerous perspectives of these people.
You don’t want me to be fearful of a hoody in the neighborhood? Or a gang in hoodys piling out of a car? Try something more alluring than an angry rant that you’re not getting your fair share. Try a little more sugar because the acid of your tone does not make me want to listen, hire you, or fight for your views.
While we are on the subject, please remember the election indicated that most Americans reject the DEI and CRT focus and perspective. The movement toward the right was evident EVERYWHERE in the country, even within the hard-core democratic big city areas. Evidently the reactions to the halftime show were a reflection that most media still have not come to grips with the results.
This show will be remembered, but not in the way this protestor intended. Those hoping they made progress on the DEI issue continue to show complete ignorance of how they are being perceived. This was not good for the country. The halftime show did not help their cause or case.
I am less prone after this to even want to listen to this perspective … sad … very sad. And, no … I am NOT a racist … I am an American and this was not helpful to bring the country together, nor did it lower the temperature of conversations.