Getting Coach Potatoes to Move With Pokémon Go


Go figure.  Who knew? A phone app that can get them to walk? I wouldn’t have imagined this.  Check it out. Read the Forbes article Ten Things I Wish I Knew When I Started ‘Pokémon Go’

I took our son Stephen out for lunch today and he showed me local interest points that I had no idea existed and sure enough, he found a Pokémon in our restaurant.   What shocked me more was that he has started walking around our neighborhood to collect these digital critters. And he tells me that there are some remarkable success stories of overweight kids getting out and shedding weight in their search for critters.

We have a lot to learn about customer engagement … not looking back at the old media or methods, but by critically thinking about what we are beginning to learn today with modern media.

There is something here folks … there are a lot of things people will spend their time doing for free if you can tap into their reward systems.  Very interesting.

And, Just in case you think I have gone off the deep end, the market has already monetized this idea. Read the Wall Street Journal article below.

Pokémon-Chasing Investors Send Nintendo Shares Soaring
Craze added $9 billion in market value to gaming company