Bias Bounties

Forester Research recently highlighted their predictions for 2022 and included in it was the concept of bias bounties.  They are modeled after bug bounties, which reward users who detect problems in software. Bias bounties would reward users for identifying bias in AI systems. This year, Twitter launched the first major bias bounty and awarded $3,500 to a student who proved that its image cropping algorithm favors lighter, slimmer, and younger faces.

According to Forester other major tech companies such as Google and Microsoft will implement bias bounties, as will non-technology companies including banks and healthcare companies. They suggest that AI professionals should consider bias bounties as a canary in the coal mine for situations where incomplete data or existing inequity may lead to discriminatory outcomes from AI systems.

While this might sound altruistic and noble to assuage public criticism and to provide transparency and accountability, the idea that it will eliminate or even “dent” the problem of bias is complexly naïve and uninformed.

The problem stems from the very core of the math methods used in AI and deep learning today. The methods have so many variables and the “truth cases” used to train the methods are far from truth.  It would take too much time and most of you simply don’t care about these details… so why do I choose to correct all this and present this as a blog?

It is because the core issue in all of this is not bias in the AI systems but rather bias in the data we collect on people itself.  We may have elements of truth in it such as whether people buy cigarettes and how that translates to their health statistics but what seems like truth may not be so obvious once you go a bit deeper.

You are probably aware that the hiring algorithms used by major corporations use Myers Briggs tests to correlate success in jobs.  That may seem unbiased on the surface but as you dig into the test itself you find that it was never designed nor intended to indicate success in life … it was just to highlight how different people view life situations and respond to them.

We should be alarmed at incentivizing anyone to make subjective judgements that get validated by some statistical measures.  Just because you find a better variable to correlate to an outcome does not mean you have discovered a bias in the prior one.

Remember the core idea … correlation does not imply causation.  The birth rate in England correlates to the stork population.  I hope I am not going too fast … am I?

When Averages are Investigated

Photo: Jessica Leigh, Allstate

Allstate Insurance recently asked permission to set insurance premium prices based upon actual driver behaviors and experiences.  Part of the request was to answer the criticism that they had been using credit scores as a proxy which of course is unfair to some while too generous to others. Read the Wall Street Journal article here. 

As the electric utility industry copes with price changes, it should be extremely instructive to see how today’s enhanced information channels can offer some customers lower prices but will also expose the higher costs to serve others.  One of the recommendations is to use a small inexpensive device in the car itself to see how it is driven as well as how many miles.

Any price changes, however worthy in an of their own rights, brings about winners and losers.  Today’s consumers will quickly bitch when their prices go up while others go down and throw whatever tantrums they can like invasion of privacy or some form of discrimination.  Yet, we all know that life moves toward the goal of each of us being accountable for how we live.

I have long wondered how long it would be before smokers saw higher prices in their health insurance.  They certainly do with their life insurance.  But, in all cases the premiums depend upon people admitting they smoke.  The day will soon come that your blood tests as part of your annual physical will be used to price your health care and life insurance costs.  It is only a matter of time.

Our society wants its freedoms to live without intervention and scrutiny and I certainly understand why.  Perhaps we are all delusional given how much of our personal lives can be discovered by our credit card details along with the records being kept by our grocery stores and other retailers.

Is that the reason people are so interested in crypto currency?  Could it be that they suspect they will need a system that keeps things hidden?  We should really analyze the “traffic” on these systems to see who is using them to move money from here to there and where.

Data privacy is a noble goal when stated, but I wonder whether the cat is already out of the bag?

Real Intelligence

You have all heard the promises of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and live with the reality of some of this with your smart speakers and with the online help systems at banks, airlines, and retailers.  They work pretty well for most of us and are certainly better than the endless menus of numeric voice jail others use.

However, if you pay careful attention to these, they check to be sure they are on the right path as you use them.  They don’t have the audacity to assume they are offering you what you want and need.

Artificial intelligence attempts to mimic human intelligence.

Let’s take a step back from the brink and consider what we are talking about when we think about this subject.  Here are some definitions from Wikipedia:

A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience. It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings—”catching on,” “making sense” of things, or “figuring out” what to do.

I have to admit that the Amazon Echo is pretty good at this.  It gets it right much more often than it gets it wrong, but even when it gets it wrong it has a gentle humble spirit to it.

This is a far cry from a black box magic system that purports to know what the right message is to a customer who didn’t even ask to be messaged in the first place.  Think about the audacity to suggest something to a customer who never indicated they wanted to hear from you?

Sure, I see Amazon suggesting things to me that align with what I am buying already, but I signed up for that message feed.

What we find does work is when you only offer outbound proactive alerts with the immediate caveat that you just wanted to let someone know there was a significant difference in their use or billing.

You can’t fix stupid!

Isn’t that what you are thinking almost all day long these days?  I don’t care who you think first said it, or what the situation was that prompted it.  You just know it is true because you have tried to do exactly that.  You just can’t fix stupid!

I personally like the attribution to Mark Twain because he wrote so many witty things, but upon checking I found that it is more likely attributed to others.  They all have the same idea though.  These same individuals that you know are wrong will defeat you in your perfectly logical, factually accurate reasoning with experience holding onto ludicrous ideas and ideals.  Nope, when it is convenient for stupidity to persist it does around any ideas or practices, it does!

There is not enough time in the day or room online to even begin to comment on all the reasons we are perfectly correct saying this about this or that.  Everywhere you look these days you see persistent stupidity fully inoculated against reason and facts.  To focus on this is to frustrate yourself much like you were trying to turn back the tides at the shore.

So, stop trying to fix stupid!

We were never called to “try to teach people” anything by arguing with them.  It is literally like trying to teach pigs to sing.  They will never learn and they will resent you trying.  That was a phrase I learned from our dear partner who helped us build our business.

Our EXAMPLE is what may in time do the trick.  Be the one that stands out in a sea of stupidity as the beachhead of love, grace, and inclusiveness that draws people to it. If you are onboard with me on this simple idea, just remember that stupid people know if you are thinking they are stupid … for some reason they are sensitive and smart in realizing that.  I think the secret to all this is to forgive them completely for being that way … which really means to forget just how stupid they are.

Perhaps that is because in some small insignificant way we could be stupid as well?   Nah!  Couldn’t be!

I was lost but now am found

Have you ever noticed things that seem to work out even when the odds are against them?  You pause when the light changes … for no real reason … and someone runs the red light at high speed and you think “wow … they would have hit me and probably sent us all to the hospital!”  My wife and I use the phrase “it just so happened” to explain these “God Winks” as we refer to them.  Well, here is another one that just happened in our life.

It all started on a Friday evening when Susan and I went to grab some drinks and dinner with some friends at Smokerise Country Club. As usual, we sat outside to enjoy the evening air when we got there and one of our friends had heard a bird chirping which proved to be a cockatiel. She offered it her finger and it then hopped on her shoulder and just sat there happy to be with people again.  Clearly this bird had been part of a family and had become lost. If you Google this breed of parrot you will see they are incredibly social and just love to interact with people.

Since she had dogs at home she said she couldn’t bring it home and neither could anyone else there we met at the club, so we did. We at first kept it in a storage container overnight since we couldn’t locate a cage from friends. We had some bird seed for our feeders and put a cup of water in the container for the night.  The next morning I offered it a finger and it quickly hopped onto my shoulder and also looked for every opportunity to have its head and back petted. While we found it to be hilarious to be around, we are not pet people … we travel and work outside the home. So, my first priority was to see if I could locate its rightful home and report it found … without letting anyone know what it looked like so we could avoid scams or someone who just wanted a pet.

So, the first thing I did was to go online to figure out how you post the fact that you have found a pet that clearly belongs to another family. Figuring it was a long shot to find them, I also searched for how you could bring a bird to a shelter … and learned you can’t bring them to a bird dealer because of the risks of the bird bringing in a disease. I of course posted the fact that we had found a bird on my Facebook page but without any pictures or descriptions other than it was a cockatiel.  On the chance the bird was not lost locally, I also found a website for “lost and found” parrots designed specifically to reconnect these family members.  Three days later I get a picture of a bird that someone had lost and it was clearly the bird we had. Go figure … but the story gets even more interesting.

They offered a phone number to connect and I spoke to the mother of the young girl whose bird it was. The bird had escaped last November (10 months ago) and had its wings clipped so it could not fly. They lived in Marietta some 35 miles away.  Oh, if the bird could talk!  Perhaps someone had found it closer to their home and transported it? How many people had entered this bird’s life? After all, how could a bird with its wings clipped fly 35 miles and why to our country club? That is a story we probably will never know completely. What we do know is the bird was lost and now has been found.

She told me that her daughter was despondent and inconsolable after losing the bird. Her friends kept telling her not to lose faith … someone would find her bird and bring it back to her. When I told her I thought we had found her bird I asked her for some more pictures and sure enough it was clearly her bird. Cockatiels are quite varied in their colors and this one was a very unusual grey and white with color splotches.

At that point I shared the picture I took just before calling her where the bird insisted on having its head and backed scratched. That was the same action it took on Friday night. What I found most endearing however was her note back to me that if we had bonded she understood fully why we might want to keep the bird. She was just elated to know her friend was safe and found. There is certainly more to this story we can never fully know, but what we can know is that this bird is a model for how community works successfully in this digital age. For all the bad things we know and read about, I do hope this story is uplifting and encouraging. The bird is now back “home” finally.  The mother called it her “prodigal child.”  Oh if only birds could talk.  But, perhaps the beauty is in the mystery itself since they can’t.