It seems like everyone has now included the buzzwords of artificial intelligence, machine learning, business analytics, and energy insights … but they still have no idea what good data really looks like.
They run around bragging about what they think they can do with smart grid data using fancy talk about Hadoop and other big data engines. But, as my professors always told me about energy modeling: garbage in – garbage out.
Noise doesn’t get any better when you have more of it and smart grid data is about as noisy as you can get. The key to energy analytics and artificial intelligence is noise reduction … not just signal processing that shows you can quantify the noise.
Plus, let’s stop talking about disaggregation as if that were the end game. What matters is not just where the energy is going but what a customer can realistically do about it and how they can make cost effective changes in their homes.
If you really want answers to these questions, ask us about our noise cancelling techniques… we can show you real results for all customers that goes way past just telling them where you think their energy dollars are going.
Customer engagement is more about a pretty face.
Good points. Slowly our utility industry is moving from descriptive to predictive and with a little push to prescriptive. Actionable recommendations.