Work less to save the planet

Now, here is an idea that you certainly can appreciate.  Work less!  Check it out for yourself. Read the Fast Company article.

Now, the cynics will quickly criticize the logic here that these individuals are now at home, probably online, and their home’s energy use is rising when they don’t go to work.  The geeks will declare that the efficiency of the HVAC in commercial buildings is more efficient than typical homes, so why would you ever suggest that people are saving money by working at home?  Yes, the commuting costs will be reduced and the costs associated with dry cleaning your clothes for a work environment is lower.  But … I find articles like this so telling about our media outlets and their perspective on how to fix he planet.

And, it is just so easy to dismiss all this.  But, let me offer a slightly different perspective. We now have more “top of mind” awareness on the part of the average American … so … USE IT!

We have thought customers didn’t care about energy … that has now changed … they seem interested again. Plus, if customers see you as an agent of change on this agenda it has also been shown that your company image goes up.

So, put aside the criticisms and take advantage of it.