Could it be Déjà vu all over again?

Photo by GIAN EHRENZELLER/EPA-EFE/REX (10070269fk)

I have to admit, I never expected to read this in the Washington Post news-feed.  I started my career designing nuclear power plants for military submarines under Admiral Rickover in his Nuclear Navy.   I lived through the period where nuclear promised power “too cheap to meter,” and then watched the Three Mile Island incident virtually eliminate that concept from consideration.

Now, we have the strange confluence of politics and innovative thinking, there may be an answer here. Read the article in the Washington Post

As you read the article you will see that this is not going to be a slam dunk.  But, then again, Bill Gates already tackles things on this scale.  Because I live here in

Georgia, we are living through the only new nuclear power plant on the horizon … we will see.  It remains far from a slam dunk.

Yet, few of us would dismiss the intrinsic beauty of nuclear in the fuel portfolio as an energy source.  Unfortunately, today we need rapidly ramping capacity, not energy … we have plenty of low cost energy.