Well, there is almost always another side to the story. I found that out today
when renewing my car’s registration. Apparently, I am now being “punished” for buying an electric vehicle here in Georgia. They figured out I hadn’t been paying my fair share of the highway taxes that would normally be buried in my gasoline purchases.
You can read all about it here just as I have.
So, why is it such a public outrage when the electric utilities try to make the same adjustments with solar?
Just like solar, I am now saving very little due to this $200 fee coupled to the low cost of gasoline. But, I really don’t care. I like the car. It’s fun to drive. And I like that it is electric.
The best part of this story is I got the Lexus!!! For which I am always so grateful. I was followed into school by the gym teacher yesterday. She loved the car and had been watching it as I drove in. I told her the best part was my sister gave it to me when she went electric! People are always more impressed with the love of a sister than the car even if it is the most gorgeous car they’ve ever seen. ❤️