Finally, even the energy pundits are proclaiming the benefits of electricity over natural gas. Yes, it does require technologies like heat pumps, infrared, and microwave to be employed, but the DOE’s stand against electricity as bad has finally been challenged. In case you are unaware the DOE has been openly hostile to the use of electricity ever since its establishment out of the national wrath over the oil embargoes of 1973 and 1978.
I must point out that energy policies come and go. Remember when we lowered the speed limit on highways to 55? As I rocket along at 70 mph, I sometimes think about how wasteful that is. But, of course I would not dare drive at 55 on today’s highways. I would be run over!
But, our friends at Rocky Mountain Institute have formally concluded something I wrote about 20 years ago. Nice to have my observation confirmed:
Read Energy Central’s article: Electrifying US Heating Needs Creates Massive Carbon Reductions, New RMI Report Finds
Of course, this is a bit too late to reverse the damage done, especially in the regulatory mood across most of the United States. Yes, DOE and even RMI back then convinced the vast majority of our regulatory bodies that electrification was wrong and bad.