… and socializing environmental anxiety in children? Is that the goal of our educational system? Apparently it is in New Jersey. You can’t make things like this up. The title of this blog comes directly from New Jersey’s governor’s goal of indoctrinating high school students. Read it for yourself: https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-jerseys-k-12-curriculum-climate-change-indoctrination-tammy-murphy-fb5a8c0e?st=cuwv2hat1mo52u3&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
Critical thinking is thwarted when you try to answer difficult questions as if you really knew what the right answer is. We have all heard the joke about a lawyer when asked what 1 + 1 equals responds. “What do you want it to be?” I still remember our lead rotor dynamics PhD at MTI when I worked there and his response to the Garrett gas turbine people when they presented the balancing problem with a new design. Knowing the answer was contentious, he wisely asked, “What number you rooking for?” Remember Chinese do not differentiate between R and L sounds in their native Mandarin language.
That was a brilliant question since there were so many assumptions that could influence the outcome of the analysis. You could get any conclusion you wanted to make since the data assumptions were so indeterminant. If you assumed this you got that, but on the other hand if you assumed the opposite (and you rightfully could) you will come to a different answer. He needed to know what answer Garrett engineers were trying to get to. That event stuck with me to this day. Truly brilliant!
Spreading fear and environmental anxiety in our children who already are bombarded with so many messages contrary to their mental health is wrong headed? No wonder suicides are on the rise.
This documentary www.aclimateconversation.com should be in the curriculum. The idea that scientists are being bludgeoned into compliance to produce propaganda should strike fear into everyone. It also triggers fears of historical events that none of us ever want to see repeated. These techniques come straight out of the socialist playbook. Yet, where is the press on all this? Shouldn’t they be reporting it to us?
No … they agree with the agenda and have lost any sense of responsibility and pride in reporting news. They are simply spreading propaganda … no different than Russia or North Korea … except for the fact that the governments there control the press. Ours would appear to be serving the public, but no longer are offering news. They are pushing agendas.
It was a few days ago that Susan and I watched a Netflix documentary on Dan Rather hoping to see excellence in journalism. Nope. It was a celebration of his career of biased reporting … telling the story from his philosophical point of view … not reporting the news.
It frightens me to see how far off the mark our news media has strayed. It should frighten you as well.