Headline: Moore’s Law Is Showing Its Age



A recent Wall Street Journal article about the famous prediction of how many transistors can be put into a piece of silicon has been revised … again! And, all of us techies jump on the article wondering whether things have gotten better or worse.


Read it for yourself: Moore’s Law is Showing its Age 

If you can’t access the link copy and paste this URL into your browser: http://www.wsj.com/articles/moores-law-is-showing-its-age-1437076232


What you will quickly realize is that the law is and never really was a law in the technical realms of science or math, but simply an observation. You also finally learn that the observation is still true … albeit adjusted by the laws of economics … but just slightly.

In a world of growing technological bombardment, I guess writers have to search for ways of getting your attention. And, to their credit, they got mine. So, perhaps there is nothing new here. But, I think the editors need to read the reactions to their articles to see whether the readers believe they are newsworthy. After all, that is the reason people will read WSJ in the first place.

Asking questions like “Does homework cause cancer?” in the announcement of a news segment on nightly TV will get people to wait around to hear (or skip forward to watch) that segment, but people become jaded when fear mongering is used to get them to watch.

Perhaps we are not measuring the right things in our journalistic quest for eyeballs and ears. Maybe we also need to move to Net Promoter Score style measures? Maybe we need to find out what people really need?

No, we will persist in customer sat. A recent example in our home was ComCast told us we had to upgrade our cable box … so we agreed and they sent us the DIY kit to do that. In frustration, we gave up and agreed to the service call, only to find out that the device they sent was defective. To ComCast’s credit, they called to do a customer satisfaction survey right away, but the person doing that said they were only doing a survey … they couldn’t help at all with our complaint. And, by the way, the only questions on the survey were about the service technician being on time and being courteous and helpful. The surveyor would not take our feedback on what was really on our minds.

There are many lessons here. Do we simply want to pat ourselves on the back when we get more activities in our programs, or are we really interested in making true progress in the eyes of our customers. To do that, you at least have to be asking the right questions. And, you have to be presenting truly newsworthy information.