Freedom to Offend vs the Freedom of Speech

The recent opening of the Olympics in Paris with its depiction of the Last Supper using drag queens and deliberate mocking of this event points out how far the freedom of speech has come and how far we must go to put it in balance with the wellness of society.

The deliberate disrespect for the religious traditions and beliefs of others was trampled by a modern progressive and liberal artistic point of view in full defiance of any accountability to the damage it might do to the wellness of the society in general.

It is one thing to protest and express a point of view, but to deliberately use an international event itself to promote disrespect for sacred traditions dating back 1000s of years shows how far we have come to accept being shocked to our core with those who use the freedom of speech to disrespect societal norms and long held traditional views.

While almost all my readers will amen these opening statements, please now take your outrage and concerns to the cancel culture of today, especially on college campuses, where alternative points of view are the grounds for professors being fired and campus violence.

Why are so many accepting the offense in the last supper depiction and these same people will fire a professor with traditional conservative points of view? I thought college was supposed to stretch the minds of students to see life through a bigger lens.

There is only one explanation for this inconsistency and that is to see how it might fit into a consistent plan to destroy traditional lifestyle points of view. It has now become quite clear to me that this is no longer an intellectual debate, but rather a planned gaslighting campaign to kill long held traditional lifestyle choices by deeming them vestiges of the past only embraced by deplorable barefoot hillbillies and hicks.

President Biden insisted we should lower the temperature of our freedoms of speech. I fully agree. What I believe is missing is to stress, just like the Pope did in his recent carefully written statements, that we all should refrain from deliberate mockery of sacred traditions in any community of individuals.

Diplomacy, deference, grace, and peace should be clear agendas for dialogues and decisions.