Does Strategic Alliance Matter?

appliancesRaising children teaches you things about life that few other experiences can convey. One of my daughters has followed pretty closely in my footsteps … kind of always been a techy person. We always seemed to have techy discussions, so the following will probably not surprise you … especially when I tell you when it happened.

It was during the ozone depletion scare days when all kinds of fuss was being made over Styrofoam because the blowing agent was a CFC and therefore was destroying the ozone layer. It was during those days that McDonalds branded their packaging as McRecycle. They have changed the name but the agenda persists.

I was out with my daughter and suggested we stop at Burger King because I kind of like their Whopper. She blurted out, “No. They are environmentally irresponsible! I would rather eat at McDonalds.” As any dutiful father would, we found a McDonalds. But, I was struck by the visceral reaction about the sense that a fast food company should be supported or shunned based on their environmental messaging.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. General Electric started out in the power business providing large generating equipment and soon realized that utilities needed smaller things for customers to own that used the electricity their turbines created. So, under the banner of “live better electrically” and the TV personality Ronald Reagan they proceeded to drive new products into the market. It worked, and in fact, many electric utilities bought GE power producing equipment in part because they felt the strategic alliance.

Similarly, DuPont used to publish huge amounts of information about refrigerant properties and the performance with lubricants, etc. because they knew refrigerant equipment designers needed this information. Sure, DuPont had patents on many refrigerants so choice wasn’t evident quite yet, but customers felt confident using their refrigerants because they knew what to expect.

GE just sold off their appliance business. The patents on DuPont’s refrigerants have run out. Is this a sign that differentiation is gone or that the sense of strategic alliance doesn’t matter anymore?

I wonder. No, I don’t. I believe it still does. It’s something worth watching. Time will tell.

“Weird Joel” Gilbert?

almast_main_000Our son loves “Weird Al” Yankovic’s songs and videos. He memorizes them and performs them for us and our friends. They are always funny … that is, if you are a bit of an intellectual and don’t mind the derision of potentially sacred things. Al’s latest hit, according to our son, is a play on grammar called Word Crimes.

If you haven’t seen and heard it, click here: Word Crimes

At the time I wrote this blog, there were more than 16 million views of this video. Think about that. There is a lot to be learned here about what people are paying attention to. I guess the real question is whether we learn from these. As I watched this, I realized how many of these mistakes are made. But, really, why do we watch? What are the outcomes and value for doing so?

Do we learn? Are we getting better? Or, are we simply amused by our fallibilities? I am not sure.

I also like the one Mission Statements. It sounds way too close to what I hear today.

Do we have a sense of humor when things cut this close to home?

I guess my favorite has always been Dilbert, written and illustrated by Scott Adams. That inspired me to write tongue-in- cheek pieces like this blog. For a while, we created illustrated cartoons for our Apogee newsletter. I penned it under the name “Gilbert,” harkening back to Adam’s brilliant work. It was always the most viewed section of our newsletter.

So, let me ask you … are we learning from anything from all this or are we simply being amused?

F220px-dragonconlogo_000.jpginally, Susan just walked in and told me that Dragon Con was this weekend. Stephen loves that. So, she saw there was a pocket guide just covering the highlights written in 8 point type to keep it compact. It is 127 pages long.

I am sure some don’t think this is very funny … or interesting … or relevant. Yep, but this is the stuff that seems to interest way more people than our stuff. That is not funny, but, terribly interesting to me, and I believe it is relevant to all of you to ponder.

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.

What a tangled web we weave

sir_henry_raeburn_-_portrait_of_sir_walter_scottHave you noticed that our news cycle emphasizes what will shock us? It seems to be all about selling airtime … getting our eyeballs … and certainly not about educating us and making us better-informed citizens, is it? Nope, it seems to be about pandering to our worst traits. Let’s focus on the injustices that rile people up, rather than the more subtle injustices that may truly be more important and draw us together.

As I was taking my walk this morning in the early air, afamous phrase kept coming into my head. I titled this blog from the first line … you probably all remember it. This phrase is from Marmion, an epic poem by Sir Walter Scott about the Battle of Flodden Field (1513). It was published in 1808. The poem tells how Lord Marmion, a favorite of Henry VIII of England, lusts for Clara de Clare, a rich woman. He and his mistress, Constance De Beverley, forge a letter implicating Clara’s fiancé, Sir Ralph De Wilton, in treason.

So, you may ask, Joel, does this have to do with the energy business? Read the following link and you will get my point.

If you did yourself the service to read the BBC article, it would make you stop to consider the current emphasis on global warming, the costs that are being incurred, and the potential silliness of it all.

Have you noticed how our increased ability to get footage of every environmental or weather-related catastrophe has put the weather and purported “climate change” at the top of every newscast? Like the NASCAR races people watch for the collisions, the media plays the floods in Malaysia, the hurricanes in the tropics, the tornados in the Midwest and the fires in California as if these are new phenomenon never before experienced. Perhaps what has changed is our increased ability to find and record them as opposed to an increase in their occurrence.

We also forget that our instruments today are more precise than in the past. Temperatures today can be measured so much more accurately and reliably than in the past. Can we really believe we can compare temperatures over time then global_currentswith the small numbers in the article? Well, when you lust after a result, your judgment can be dulled. I likened this to a “glandular” point of view. Lust is not good.

We seem to lust after many things these days: eternal youth, prestige, position, etc. Lust is very dangerous because it twists the mind, putting things out of balance. Lust is essentially ardent enthusiasm gone wrong. If I called someone a zealot, would you think that was a good thing, even if he or she were a zealot for a just cause? Is zeal a good thing when it presents false or misleading information? Does the end really justify the means?

Personally, I don’t think so. We are accountable to a higher authority than just getting our way. If our democracy is going to work, we need to inform the public, discuss our options, and plan our future. Superficially appealing notions are inadequate. We are facing tough questions.

Lust is a very dangerous thing. It can destroy almost any relationship … as it seemingly fulfils others with excitement and temporary pleasure. We are dealing with lust my friends … not in the physical sense, but in the form of intellectual fantasy and delusion. In a sense, it has moved to a form of idolatry, replacing anything representing truth, justice, and the American way.

I think it is time to call it what it really is: environmental extremism. I think you get my point.

A New Moovie That May Change Everything

mooJust last week a new movie hit the streets of San Francisco and is headed to a theater near you. It is called “Cowspiracy” and is all about how big business is unwilling to face the ecological problems they are really creating. You can watch the movie trailer at

Cowspiracy | The Sustainability Secret
This is the film that environmental organizations don’t want you to see. This documentary will be as eye-opening as “Blackfish” and as inspiring as “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Read more…

Now, what makes this movie so potentially viral is the general mood in the US and around the world for that matter about conspiracy theories in general. Plus, there are many Vegans who have now seen this movie as the rallying cry for their point of view. Plus, there is a major constituent in the medical community who would agree that we would be a lot healthier if we ate less meat products, especially red meat.

Just wanted you to be informed. This is going to be a big deal. And, just like Watergate, there are a lot of very powerful people who are going to squirm when this hits the theaters more broadly.

You are now officially warned.

This is going to be very big. Udderly. No Bull!

Making a Difference

I love Steve Jobs’ advice:

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

200273462-001How do you argue with that? Well, even though down deep in many hearts they aspire to this, the odds for change on so many fronts today seem insurmountable. How can one person truly change anything anymore? Why should anyone “stick their neck out” and try … you are more than likely to get it cut off or at least whacked.

I love stories about people who do change things. I think Malala Yousafzai is truly inspiring … yet who would have thought the world would respond so well to her? She did what she did because she stayed true to herself and just persevered.

Perhaps we need to change perspectives. Our most likely impact is not this transformative. Maybe we should take the perspective of the girl on the beach throwing starfish back into the water. People come by and tell her that she is wasting her time, what she’s doing doesn’t matter.

I like her reply as she threw yet another back into the surf: “It mattered to this one!”

I can only hope we have this perspective. In any event, it works for me. Several people have read and shared their perspective on my blog posts, which I enjoy seeing, and I’ve had some nice responses to the book I published last year, “It’s the Thermostat, Stupid.” Things are looking up …