How time flies! But if we are lucky enough to live through it, we can give thanks for the privilege of being part of a community of professionals and friends as these timing marks emerge. Ten years and over 500 blogs make me wonder whether I am just repeating myself and why I keep doing this.
But the events of the days keep reminding me that nobody else I know is blogging to remind everyone of the insanity in the energy industry. That is why I named the blog Captain Obvious … everything I have been writing is obvious to those who are looking and thinking critically about our energy challenges.
It is a bit funny to me that I asked the question to you all whether I should stop blogging about five years ago. I got a trove of responses pleading with me to keep going, and one from a dear Christian friend stunned me. It went something like this in response to whether my blogs matter. He said:
“They matter to me, and I know they matter to many others in our industry. They also matter to God and that should be enough support for you to continue.”
What we say and do matters … perhaps not to move the world’s indicators, but to each other. It is so easy to just sit on the sidelines and complain about what is happening. I try to point out fallacies, like statements made by politicians or people with an agenda that have no scientific or engineering underpinnings. I try to offer concrete steps we all should be taking to move the ball down the field.
We just moved to a new server so the blog is now refreshed and secure with my IT provider … who was our IT support about the time the first blog was posted. His first name is Joel as well. Relationships matter … a lot.
I try to stay ahead of the need to post blogs because I prefer not writing under pressure. I have to wait for the moment and the issue to present itself in the context of our modern lives before I can write anything. Most often it is one of you writing me a note copying something from our media pointing out the insanity of our mutual plight.
Thank you once again for the privilege of your weekly attention. If you have some words of encouragement or thoughts you would like to share, please send them to me directly in email ([email protected]) or through the Comment box offered on the blog site.